We stress the importance of pairing good dental hygiene with professional dental cleanings. Dr. R. Erik Cantwell recommends that every six months, you schedule a teeth cleaning in West Jordan, Utah. A teeth cleaning appointment includes a professional teeth cleaning, fluoride, a dental exam, and dental X-rays. Our hygienist will clean your teeth of all plaque and tartar with a metal tooth. Then our hygienist will floss your teeth, polish them, and apply fluoride. Fluoride is a mineral that helps protect your teeth from decay by strengthening your enamel. Our dentist will then examine your teeth and gums for signs of decay, gingivitis, and other oral health issues. Sometimes, our dentist will decide to take X-rays to help him get a more thorough look at your teeth. If any dental issues are found, our dentist will recommend one or more of our general and family dental services. After educating you about each treatment, our dentist will form a treatment plan with you. We want you to have an active role in your dental care.
We urge you to contact our office as soon as possible if you experience dental pain or any kind of dental emergency. Please contact Copper Ridge Dental today to learn more and to schedule your next visit.